The Sound Investment - Regardless of The Market

eggs in a basket

Life insurance is a secure foundation for your financial plan.

Consider these unique and attractive features of cash value life insurance policies:

  • Competitive rates of return
  • Tax free accumulation
  • Tax free access
  • No distribution requirements
  • No maximum contributions
  • Protection of principal

Innovative Products

The life insurance industry is constantly spearheading innovative changes in the investing sphere.

Indexed Universal Life (IUL) products are a perfect example. These products have the upside potential of growth in the market without any downside risk. They give you all the bells and whistles to choose from, including annual or monthly sum caps and participation rates, no caps, or etc.  

With IUL products, you can enjoy a conservative average return with historical lookbacks at 7%-8% – with no downside risk. Combined that with tax free growth and tax free distributions.

Because of the volatility of the stock market, the manipulation of printed money, and the holding down of interest rates, successful people have shifted to asset protecting life insurance products.

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