Never Pay More Tax Than Absolutely Necessary

tax advantaged

Life insurance is the tax advantaged cornerstone of successful investment strategies. Very wealthy people have employed this vehicle successfully for a long time – why shouldn’t you?

Invest in life insurance and enjoy the following features:

  • TAX FREE growth.

  • TAX FREE distributions.

  • No age restrictions.

  • No contribution limits.


New laws have changed the way certain life insurance policies can be used. With the right policy, you can use accumulated funds towards critical, chronic, and terminal illness – without a tax penalty and without any additional cost to you.

Working with a qualified and experienced life insurance agent is the key to ensuring you garner all the benefits available to you. At Roney Insurance Solutions, we’ll make sure you don’t leave any money on the table.

When owned correctly, life insurance isn’t included as an asset in your estate and it doesn’t affect your college eligibility or FAFSA. This gem of a product can handle it all – college funding, asset protection, retirement, living benefits, legacy planning, estate planning, executive benefits, business buy-outs, key-man, and succession planning – all on a tax free basis. It is the superhero of investment products.

Whether you’re an individual, married with a family, or a business owner, there’s a policy that’s right for you. Our team will give you a second, full look at Life Insurance. We’ll explain how you can complement your current portfolio and we’ll assist you in your future financial planning.

Fill out the form on this page. Let’s have a conversation.